Client Survey

Information about contacting this business

Nulla venenatis, tortor in rutrum facilisis, purus quam bibendum eros, id fermentum lacus mauris quis ante. Duis tempor vehicula eros, vitae suscipit tortor elementum ut. Praesent magna enim, pharetra quis augue sed, pharetra sodales ante. Sed id pretium sapien. Quisque tristique tellus non neque commodo,

"*" indicates required fields

Personal Details

Client Survey

Sales Consultant
1. How would you rate your Sales Consultants General Knowledge?*
2. How would you rate your Sales Consultants Professionalism?*
3. How would you rate your Sales Consultants Communication?*
4. How well did your Sales Consultant explain the process up until you signed a contract?*
5. How did your Sales Consultant stay in touch with you during the build? (Please select all applicable)*

Interior Designer Colour Consultation (If Applicable)
1. How well did our Interior Designer guide you through the colour selection process.*

Client Liaison Officer
1. How well did your Client Liaison Officer guide you through the approval process and keep you informed regarding the progress of your build going to site?*
2. How would you rate your Client Liaison Officers General Knowledge?*
3. How would you rate your Client Liaison Officers Professionalism?*
4. How would you rate your Client Liaison Officers Communication?*

Construction Supervisor
1. How was your overall experience with your Construction Supervisor?*
2. How would you rate your Construction Supervisors Professionalism?*
3. How would you rate your Construction Supervisors Communication?*

1. Was our Accounts team helpful throughout the progress claim process?*
2. How would you rate your Accounts team members General Knowledge?*
3. How would you rate your Accounts team members Professionalism?*
4. How would you rate your Accounts team members Communication?*

1. During your experience with The Ultra Group, were you happy with your experience regarding the processes and procedures? *
2. How do you rate your overall experience with The Ultra Group?*
3. How likely is it that you would recommend The Ultra Group to family/friends?*
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